Starting today the Monumental Complex of Palazzo Reale also has an online ticket sales system. Visitors have the opportunity to purchase entry tickets for the museum itinerary directly from the website www.federicosecondo.org (info section – buy online) and choose a comprehensive ticket that includes a visit to the Royal Apartments, the Palatine Chapel, the Royal Gardens and the exhibition “ROSALIA eris in plague patrona” or just for a single part.
The Federico II Foundation is once again in step with the times and attuned to the visitor’s needs. According to the data provided by Istat, updated in 2017, in Italy there is a museum for every 12 thousand citizens. Nonetheless, the researchers of the Observatory for digital innovation in the cultural heritage and activities of the Politecnico di Milano, organizers of the first survey of the sector, underlined how “there is still much to do in terms of attractiveness”; and online ticket offices are one of the weaknesses of the system. Only 7 percent of Italian museums sell tickets online and, starting today, the Monumental Complex of Palazzo Reale is among them.
Another tool to get in tune and familiarize with the public is social networks. 41 percent of the museum sites have a profile on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Here too, the Federico II Foundation has been activating these communication and socialization channels for a long time, promoting all the activities carried out and succeeding in contributing, in this way, to a considerable increase in the number of visitors of the Royal Palace, especially in the last year.
courtesy translation Elettra La Duca