A permanent space between art and “parallel dimensions”.
An experience where visitors will be able to understand how the digitization of Cultural Heritage can make a work of sculptural art immune to time. Masterpieces such as the Giovinetto di Motia or the Dancing Satyr come to life reproduced in full-scale 3D. The head of Octavian Augustus returned to Centuripe after 84 years on display
PRESENTATION: 20 September at 10.30
Delivering masterpieces of art to infinity, immune to time, climate change, wars, earthquakes, floods, making them usable wherever man can settle in the future. Protected by memory. Once there were freehand sketches, then the first photographs came, then we move on to the smartphone: all means to fix the image of the work of art in memory. Today a new system relies on technology and innovation to make masterpieces invincible. Federico II Foundation and Forma Rei Onlus work together to offer an immersive, highly informative experience, to understand firsthand the effects and value of the digitization of sculptural works of art and the process of creating their “digital identity”. And what better way than by trying it for yourself? Thus was born μετα Experience, a new space in the Royal Palace where you will witness the digitization process of the Octavian Augustus and then immerse yourself in an Infinity Room, antechamber of the digitization of the visitors themselves. They will thus discover how the creation of the digital identity of the sculptural work takes place, becoming themselves a work of immaterial art and bringing home the result of this process.
The project is supported by INVITALIA through the “Cultura Crea” line. Each visitor will enter the Infinity Room and find themselves in a soft game, an immersive puzzle of images, a single work repeated endlessly to get lost in a dimension without space or time. Introduction to the second room, in which a latest generation 3D scanning system will digitize the visitor’s body in 6 seconds to immediately create a single digital identity that can be used as an avatar to access the Metaverse or as a digital reproduction that fixes the memory of one’s face as a young man, or again, as a bust in eco-sustainable material with highly technological 3D printers.
The process of digitizing the works of art is exactly the same and two exceptional examples await in the following room: the Giovinetto di Mozia in a pop, eco-sustainable, imposing “dress”, which introduces the extraordinary ARTFICIAL clone reproduction of the Dancing Satyr of Mazara del Vallo, suspended as if to soar in flight. It will be possible to observe it in detail, a discovery for those who have never seen it live, a rediscovery for those who remember it, a further stimulus to go and visit it. And as an introduction, an important witness: the head of Octavian Augustus, the most beautiful marble portrait of the first emperor ever found in Sicily, which after 84 years from the discovery has returned to his Centuripe, after being kept for a long time in the Museum ” Paolo Orsi ”of Syracuse. An exceptional loan from the Regional Museum of Centuripe (Archaeological and Landscape Park of Catania and the Aci Valley), thanks to the partnership with the Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity. It will be only the first of a long series of works of art that have been digitized and that will come from museums throughout Sicily and from private and public collections, alternating as “hosts” in the μετα Experience. Technology at the service of art, therefore, is a further design step in the cultural management of the Royal Palace by the Federico II Foundation which, in the last five years, has completely revolutionized the usual visitor experience. In this case it enters into synergy with Forma Rei Onlus, a young association born with the aim of disseminating and promoting the value of the digitization of Cultural Heritage, which draws on the technological innovation experience of the ARTFICIAL startup that has digitized over two thousand works of art in recent years. art, creating a true Spotify of international sculptural art. The idea is very simple: to apply the same digitization process of cultural heritage to visitors to make them understand their value and future implications. Easy, intuitive, immediate. The collaborations will be extended from time to time to museums, art galleries and even regional and national collectors, who will want to exhibit the works within the μετα space at the Royal Palace, where almost one million visitors pass through every year.
Info on www.formarei.org
μετα Experience PALERMO
Royal Palace
Piazza del Parlamento 1
PRESENTATION: 20 September at 10.30
Access to visitors from 21 September.
A Forma Rei Onlus production in collaboration with the Federico II Foundation
project funded by INVITALIA through the “Cultura Crea: incentives for the cultural industry” line Technical partner: Zivid
Full ticket: € 3.00
Reduced 0-13 years: € 2.00
Exclusively to book reserved visits at non-ordinary times, send the request to the following e-mail address: claudio.picciurro@federicosecondo.org
For any clarifications on reserved visits, contact the number 3346395860 from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00.
Not recommended for people with photo sensitive epilepsy as the scanning system is based on structured light scanners.